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cosmic forecast
week of january 13th

the tide is turning.

progress. breakthroughs. new ventures.

this week holds great potential for progress, breakthroughs and starting new ventures, making it the high point of the month for accomplishments, results and fresh starts.

the week begins with a full moon in cancer, the moon's home sign.  full moons are always illuminating and mark culmination points in the lunar cycles.   reflect on what's come into focus in your life since the capricorn new moon two weeks ago.  the capricorn new moon urged you to take risks that align with your soul purpose.  what steps did you take?

monday's emotionally charged full moon at 24 degrees cancer comes at a time of profound shifts that are happening collectively and on every level of our being, personally.  the tides are turning.  these cosmic shifts are awakening us to higher levels of consciousness.

with the sun trining uranus, this week's full moon holds the potential for a breakthrough, surprise or exciting self-discovery, especially in the realms of home, family, emotional needs and self-care.  this energy wants to kick you out of your comfort zone!  the key players at this full moon are mars (the planet of action), conjunct the moon in cancer and pluto (the soul planet) in a wide conjunction with the sun in capricorn.

the build-up to this week's full moon began last week with mars retrograding back into cancer, re-energizing emotional processing around your capricornian realities.   with mars' move into cancer, we're now more attuned to, not just what we want, but what truly matters to us - what we need on an emotional level (cancer) to create that new reality.

mars reaches the midpoint of its retrograde cycle on wednesday, kicking off a new two-year mars cycle.  the mars retrograde transit compelled you to reconsider your relationship with your inner mars/aries - your inner drive, power and will.  this mars retrograde cycle has been helping you to discover your true passions and revealing creative urges germaine to your soul's authentic expression.  it's been showing you where and how your soul wants you to invest your energy -where to take action and where not to!  monday's full moon offers a powerful moment to reset your connection with your inner mars, revealing where your soul now wants to direct your energy and willpower.  pay attention to what is lighting you up this week.  it could be opening the door to the turning point you've been waiting for.

all full moons are times of emotional release and healing. in cancer, the tides of your emotions will be stronger and may fluctuate from high to low.  in opposition to each other, the sun in capricorn challenges you to take responsibility and face reality and your commitments, while the moon in cancer calls you inward to self- nurture.  these energies are seeking balance.  how can you balance emotional self care with responsibility?


cancerian and capricornian themes of fear of rejection and abandonment, tendencies to suppress emotions and letting emotional insecurities motivate decisions and behaviors may get triggered.  remember, you've got to feel it to heal it.  it's time to let go of emotional patterns tied to your sense of home and emotional security that no longer serve you.  

supporting this full moon intention is chiron, now direct in aries, conjunct hygeia, the goddess of healing.  this alignment brings a beautiful potential for healing but may also stir up old wounds, reminding you that more healing work is needed on your emotional and physical healing journey. 

the lunar nodal axis in virgo-pisces directs our personal and collective focus to our health, healing and well-being for the next 18 months.  the need to stay grounded and healthy is emphasized.  the planetary energies can cause imbalance in our bodies that may show up as fatigue, headaches, pain, etc, so do things that support quieting the nervous system. 


also happening this week:  venus continues her journey through pisces, slowing down in preparation for her upcoming retrograde on March 1.  venus squares jupiter on tuesday and conjuncts saturn on saturday.  these transits will highlight important financial, relationship and value-based issues and choices.  patience, compassion and ongoing convo's may be required.  mercury in capricorn supports pragmatic planning and communications so embrace this opportunity to create realistic plans.  have open, practical and compassionate discussions while surrendering to  divine timing.  (in a couple of weeks on the 25th, venus trines with mars retrograde to offer some support by providing workable solutions to tensions.)

the week ends with the sun entering aquarius on sunday and meeting pluto also in aquarius.  aquarius energy is electric, visionary and revolutionary, bringing shifts in consciousness and a deeper connection to the soul's knowing.  aquarius season invites you to co-create with the universe so get ready to bring your unique, authentic soul energy to the world in a more empowered way.

what themes are being activated

by this week's full moon?

look at the house and aspects where 20-29 degrees cancer activate your birth chart for more info about the important themes this full moon and mars is activating for you.  

monday's full moon ties back to the cancer new moon from six months ago.  it also brings an 18-month moon family cycle (that began with the july 17, 2023 new moon) to a close.  whatever you initiated then is now coming to a full bloom and what you need to know has been revealed. 


it's time to commit or shift.

now is the time to book a cosmic coaching session to make the most of your journey in this lifetime.


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scroll down for this week's daily forecast

daily cosmic forecast.

daily forecast
 week of january 13th:

monday - the moon is in cancer.

be aware of your emotions and what they are telling you.  trust what you feel.  emotions may run high.  head back up to the cosmic forecast for the full story of this full moon.

click here to learn more about aries.
get into the energy of the day with this
cancer inspired playlist!

tuesday until 11:10pm est wednesday - the moon is in leo.

feel good about you and be grateful for your authentic creative gifts!  share your light with others and have some fun.

journal prompts:  what sounds like fun?  where can i lighten up, live a little and shine brightly?

on tuesday, venus in pisces squares magnifying jupiter.  this transit may challenge your personal and spiritual growth.  you may feel out of your comfort zone or surprised by unplanned expenses.  what excesses need to be reeled in?  jupiter may expand where you are disillusioned.  take note of what is being shown.

on wednesday, the sun opposes mars retrograde creating tension, conflict and lessons that spur the energy you need to come from behind for a big win.  do you need a reset on something that has spun out of control?  

click here to learn more about leo.
get into the energy of the day with this
leo inspired playlist!

wednesday from 11:10pm until 11:46am est thursday  - the moon is void of course.

click here for more on what to do when the moon is void of course.

thursday at 11:46am est through to saturday - the moon is in virgo.

disengage from the challenging themes of perfectionism, worry, criticism and analysis paralysis.  virgo moons bring emotional awareness to self-improvement, health, organization, problem solving and eliminating what is no longer needed. 

journal prompt:  what needs to be organized?  what's one thing i can do to improve my health and wellbeing?

venus conjuncts saturn on saturday.  venus loves, saturn disciplines and pisces devotes.  what are you devoted to?  this can be a tricky transit that can create a sense of wanting to commit to love but can also reveal the reality of needing to break up.  consider the long haul.  because of the upcoming venus retrograde, venus will conjunct saturn two more times in april, giving us the opportunity to learn about the themes of devotion.  

ck here to learn more about virgo
get into the energy of the day with this
virgo inspired playlist!

sunday -  the moon is in libra.

the moon in libra brings emotional awareness to companionship, collaboration and balance within yourself, your relationships and your life.  the libra moon mindset is to think beauty from the inside out.  focus on peace as you make your choices.

journal prompts:  am i in the right relationship with myself, with others, my work, my life, the divine?  

mercury sextiles saturn and venus in pisces, (supported by the libra moon), creating a feeling of ease and flow.  you are being called to a flow state uniting your lower mind with your higher, spiritual mind to find clarity and wisdom.    today is a good day to have a good day!

the sun moves into aquarius.  tis the season to celebrate your uniqueness.  find your tribe.

click here to learn more about libra
get into the energy of the day with this
libra inspired playlist!

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